Social Justice Studies Minor
Social justice studies is an interdisciplinary field that examines the causes and consequences of social inequities; types and forms of social change; and applied approaches to addressing social problems.
Undergraduate students earn a Social Justice Studies minor by completing 15 credits of coursework from a variety of fields.
Minor: Social Justice Studies |
Proposed Curriculum Outline |
Required Hours |
GS/SO/SJ 1303 Introduction to Social Justice Studies |
Causes and Consequences of Social Injustice:
AAS 1103 Introduction to African American Studies
AAS/HI 3013 African American History
AAS/HI 3023 African American History since 1865
AAS/SO/CRM 3353 Race, Crime and Justice
AAS/HI 4363 African-American History and Culture
AAS/AN/SO 2203 Introduction to Race and Ethnicity
AAS 4643 Race and the Media
AN/SO AN 4173 Environment and Society
AN 4323 Plagues and People
AN 4333 Anthropology of Violence
CO 4323 Mass Media and Society
CO/SO/AAS 4643 Race and Media
CRM 2003 Crime, Justice, and Inequality
CRM 3363 Globalization and Crime
CRM 3503 Violence in the United States
CRM 4253 White Collar and Elite Deviance
CRM/SO 4523 Law and Society
CRM/SO 4233 Juvenile Delinquency
CRM/SO 4243 Drugs, Crime and Control
CRM/SO 4323 Victimology
CRM/SO 4343 Media, Crime and Justice
EN/AAS 2363 Introduction to African American Literature
EN 4333: Southern Literature
EN/AAS 4343 Studies in African American Literature
EN/AAS 4393 Postcolonial Literatures and Theory
GS/AAS/HI 3713 History of African American Women
GS/CO 4233 Gender and Media
GS/CO 4263 Gender Communication
GS/SO/AN 1173 Introduction to Gender Studies
GS/PS 3033 Gender and Politics
GS 3343/CRM 3343 Gender, Crime, and Justice
GS/EN 3513 Women and Literature
GS/SO/EN 4133 Feminist Theories
GS 4413/SO 4403 Sociology of Gender and Sexuality
GS/SO 4503 Gender and Work
GS/SO/SW 4543 Gender and Food*
GR 2013 Human Geography
GR 4123 Urban Geography
GR 4263 Geographies of the US South
HI 3333 Mississippi History
HI 4273 Women in American History
HI 4283 History of Southern Women
HI 4293 History of Gender and Science
HI 4343 Immigration and Ethnicity in the United States
HI 4393 Rural America
PHI 3183 African American Philosophy
PHI 3313 Environmental Ethics
PHI 3173 Social and Political Philosophy
PS 4523 Democracy and Inequality
PS 4643 Ethnic Conflict
PS 4653 Nationalism
PSY 3203 Psychology of Gender Differences
PSY 4223 Drug Use and Abuse
REL 3103 Religion & U.S. Culture
REL 3113 Religions and Environment
REL 3143 African American Religious Experience
SO 1103 Contemporary Social Problems
SO 3003 Social Inequality
SO 3503 Violence in the United States
SO 4273 Sociology of Education
SO 4423 Health and Society
SO 4703 Population Problems and Processes
SW 2303 Social Welfare Policy I
SW 2323 Social Welfare Policy II
SW 3003 Social Work with At-Risk Populations*
Applied Learning and Social Change:
AAS/PS 3043 Modern Civil Rights Law
AAS/PS 4273 African American Politics
AAS/HI 4373 History of the Modern Civil Rights Movement
AAS 4383 African American Leadership in the Twentieth Century
AAS/HI 4983 African Americans and the Law
AN 3343 Introduction to Forensic Anthropology
CO 4213 Political Communication*
CO 4253 Elements of Persuasion*
CO 4273 Intercultural Communication*
CO 4283 Health Communication*
CO 4313 Mass Media Law
CO 4043 Communication and Leadership*
CO 4803 Research in Public Relations and Advertising*
CO 4813 Public Relations in Organizations*
CRM 4153 Mentoring for At-Risk Youths*
GG 4543 Community Engagement in Environmental Geoscience*
GS/SO/AAS 4143 Gender, Race, and Social Movements
HI 3343 Delta History Service and Experiential Spring Break*
PS 3013 Political Leadership
PS 3063 Constitutional Powers
PS 3073 Civil Liberties
PS 3183 Law and Politics
PS 3193 Intergovernmental Relations
PS 4113 State Government
PS 4163 The Chief Executive
PS 4173 Legislative Process
PS 4183 Judicial Process
PS 4193 Mississippi Judicial System
PS 4203 Political Parties and Electoral Problems
PS 4213 Campaign Politics
PS 4223 The Dynamics of American Democracy
PS 4233 Interest Groups
PS 4243 State Election Policy and Politics
PS 4263 Mississippi Government and Politics
PS 4293 Political Behavior
PS 4393 The Global Context
PS 4633 Democracy and Democratization
PS 4464 Political Analysis*(4 hours)
PS 4743 Environmental Policy
PSY 2123 Perspectives on Child Maltreatment and Child Advocacy
PSY 3123 Global Child Advocacy Issues
PSY 4133 Multidisciplinary Responses to Child Maltreatment/Trauma*
SW 2313. Introduction Social Work and Social Welfare
6 |
SJ 4993 Social Justice Minor Capstone*1 |
3 |
* Indicates applied or community-engaged learning course. Students must take at least one community-engaged learning course in addition to the Capstone to fulfill minor requirements. Students may petition the minor advisor to count courses not on this list as appropriate.
1Indicates course will be proposed to UCCC for approval.
Only 9 hours from a single department may be counted toward the minor.
At least 12 hours must be 3000-4000 level.
-- |
Total Hours |
18 |
If appropriate, students may petition the Director to count a given class toward the minor. The student must submit this request and an electronic copy of the class syllabus to the Director via email at The decision whether to grant credit towards the minor for such classes is at the sole discretion of the Director.