Background Image Alternative Text: Woman confronts hurdles

Undergraduate Minor

Through the College of Arts and Sciences, MSU offers the Gender Studies minor, intended to enhance students’ knowledge and understanding of issues related to gender in contemporary and past societies, with a special focus on the United States. Courses, lectures and special events in Gender Studies are open to all, thus encouraging the free exchange of ideas and knowledge. To earn an undergraduate minor in Gender Studies, students must complete 15 credit hours, which should be distributed as follows:

One Mandatory Core Course (3 hours)

Undergraduate students wishing to complete a certificate in Gender Studies must complete the following:

  • AN/SO/GS 1173. Introduction to Gender Studies. Three hours lecture. An introduction to theoretical concepts in Gender Studies. This course will examine the influence of the women's movement on the academic development of Gender Studies.

At least two additional Core Courses (6 hours)

Students completing the certificate in Gender Studies should complete at least two of these electives (for 6 hours toward the certificate).

  • COE 4743. Gender Issues in Counseling. Three hours lecture. Overview of gender issues and their relationship to the counseling process.
  • EN 3513. Women and Literature. (Prerequisites: Completion of freshman composition). Three hours lecture. A study of literary works by or about women. Texts are selected according to theme, genre, and/or historical period.
  • HI 4273. Women in American History. (Prerequisite: Completion of any 1000-level history course). Three hours lecture. A study of the economic, political, and social activities of women in American history. Emphasis on Southern women.
  • PS 3033. Gender and Politics. Three hours lecture. Examines gender differences in law, the courts, voting, political involvement, and approaches to political power, and violence.
  • PSY 3203. Psychology of Gender Differences. (Prerequisite: PSY 1013 or consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Survey of the biological, physiological, and sociocultural factors, which influence the psychological differentiation of the genders.
  • SO 4403. Sociology of Gender. (Prerequisites: SO 1003, or approval of instructor). Three hours lecture. Changing character of gender and significance in various social institutions. Intersection between gender and other forms of inequality.
  • SO/CRM 3343. Gender, Crime and Justice. (Prerequisite: CRM 1003 and SO 1003 or consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Gender differences in criminal behavior, victimization, and criminal justice processing, emphasizing the unique experiences of women in all of these areas.

Two Additional Electives (6 hours)

Any of the courses below may be counted towards the minor. Additional electives may be selected in concert with the Director of Gender Studies.

  • CO/GS 4233. Gender and Media. Three hours lecture.  A critical exploration of discourses of gender and its intersections with sexuality, race, and class as represented in popular forms of media.
  • CO/GS 4263. Gender Communication. Three hours lecture. An investigation of the ways in which communication impacts the construction, performance, evaluation, and negotiation of gender.
  • HI 4283. History of Southern Women. Three hours lecture. The lives and images of women in the South from colonial times to the present. Native-, African-, and European-American woman to be studied.
  • HI 4293. History of Gender and Science. (Prerequisite: Any 1000-level history course).Three hours lecture. Historical survey of scientific research on sex, the role of gender in the culture of science, and the contributions of women to scientific practice.
  • SO 4503. Gender and Work. Three hours lectures. This course presents research and theories on the role of gender in shaping labor market opportunities, experiences, and rewards; remedies for enduring problems, including those applied in the United States’ workplace and abroad; and new research directions.
  • SW 2303. Social Welfare Policy I. Three hours lecture. In-depth study of the historical and contemporary effects of social welfare policy on client systems.
  • SW 2313. Introduction Social Work and Social Welfare. Three hours lecture. A study of professional social work and the historical and philosophical development of social work and social welfare.
  • 3 hours of Directed Individual Study (with a Gender Studies faculty member).

If appropriate, students may petition the Director to count a given class toward the minor. The student must submit this request and an electronic copy of the class syllabus to the Director via email at The decision whether to grant credit towards the minor for such classes is at the sole discretion of the Director.

Students cannot have more than nine (9) hours from any one discipline count toward the minor.